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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  April 30, 2021 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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>> this weekend, there is a big special it's going to run on msnbc and nbc and on telemundo and on peacock. that sounded never really happens, but this is a big deal. to call inspiring america the 2021 inspiration. let's discuss people like becky hammon who's the first woman to coach an nba team, chef jose andreas who served 35 million hot meals to people in need this year. even lin-manuel miranda, a big deal. catch up here on msnbc this sunday at 10 pm eastern. inspiring people doing inspiring things. i'm at the time in my year when i am ready to be inspired in that way again. tell you 1:00 eastern on msnbc. the loot for us here tonight, see you on monday. it's time for the last word with all evil she in forlornest a night! >> i too am at that time in my year. just getting ready for this has been fun because we are going through people doing inspiring
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things. and our lives, in the news, that doesn't bubble to the top as much as it should. i'm excited about it. rachel, have yourself a fantastic weekend. we will see you monday. >> banks, friend. thank you. >> it's just 101 days into president biden's term. six months after his election. the trump republican claims a biden economy were totalize. >> a headwind on the stock market because if he gets the market will crash. >> not only is economy booming under biden, but we are at a transformational moment for the american economy. a moment that can improve the course of the nation for generations to come. in 101 days, president biden has overseen a really strong start to our economic recovery, as more americans get vaccinated and a return to pre-pandemic life is insight. household incomes increased in march by 21.1%. that's the largest monthly increase since 1959.
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largely due to the stimulus checks in president biden's american rescue plan. in the first two months of this, year the gross domestic product gdp increased at an annual rate of 6.4%. that's the second largest quarterly increase since 2003. the stock market is performing the best it has performed during the first 100 days of a presidency going back to the 19 fifties and the eisenhower administration. lots of people don't benefit from a rising stock market. poverty has deepened in america, expanded for many during the pandemic. the inequality gap grew, especially for black and brown communities and women have been disproportionately affected by jobless. as this recovery takes shape and bills, the important question becomes whether those at the bottom of the economic ladder will be left behind. well the post covid economy benefit those who have been traditionally marginalized? none of the core of biden's
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proposals which he detailed during his address to congress this week. president biden wants to use the incredible power of the presidency to share the financial prosperity that usually benefits the rich, particularly in the wake of a recession. let's the complete opposite of what trump and republicans gave us the last four years. many voters supported trump because they thought that he would do wonders for the economy, which turns out based on reality show gimmicks, phony business credentials and straight-up place. they didn't do that. he just wrote the successes that president obama had laid out for him. along the way, he did help top earners and corporations through some massive tax cuts, which increased inequality for most americans. the first real test of trump's ability to manage economic troubles was the coronavirus pandemic. that's when the world saw what many of us already knew. he wasn't up to the job. is failure to manage the pandemic about the economic impact of covid would last for
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longer and hurt many more americans than it would have. now, instead of injecting bleach, president biden and democrats are injecting cash into the economy to help it grow, to better the lives of average americans. that's what he's proposing to reduce the cost of childcare, to ensure a page family and medical leave, to extend the child tax credit, to extend access to care for older and disabled people, and to offer free universal preschool and two years of free community college. that's why the president just raise the minimum wage for federal contractors to $15 an hour. which is interesting. you could be a federal employee and earn less than that. he is creating a roadmap for tangible long term economic progress for working people, just like fdr did with the new deal and after the great depression. president biden is daring america to understand the government can adapt and respond to the economic needs of a nation that is emerging from a once in a generation
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recession. biden's economic vision is bold, football this is what makes this country. to make sure all americans, not just the top 1% or top 5% are top 10% recover and flourish. letting up our discussion tonight, mark sandy, chief economist for movies analytics. markets, good to see you. thank you for being with. this i want you to give us some sense of this economy we are in right now, and why it's happening. why the stock market is performing as well as it. is why gdp growth was as strong as it was. how much of that does with biden? how much of it has to do with the end in sight of coronavirus. >> good to be with you. the economy is i'm happy to report booming. very strong growth. we saw gdp, that's the valuable of things we produce that grew 6.4% in the first quarter. a very robust growth. lots of jobs, unemployment
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insurance claims falling, unemployment declining. consumer sentiment is improving. the housing market. i could go on and on. i've been a professional economist for 30 odd years. and i don't think i remember a time when the prospects for the economy over the 18 months were as good as they are today. it's all good. we've got a big hole to dig out of, if there's still a lot of folks that are struggling but well on the way to digging out of that the poll they got into. for reasons why, there's two key ones. the pandemic is winding down. we are approaching herd immunity, vaccination process has gone well over half with americans being vaccinated. that's all good. this summer, i think we will be open for business and that's all good news. the stock market is reacting to that. and of course, the other really very important factor is the american rescue plan that is
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the 1.9 trillion dollar fiscal support package. you mentioned the stimulus checks, unemployment insurance, food assistance, and i could go on and on. that's really super charging the economy. we have a low interest rate provided by the feds. it's all coming together. very significant tail winds of the economy growing. >> mark, you say you've been a professional economist for 30 years. we've talked for a large portion of that. one of the things that's become bigger each year has been this equality gap. only hit recessions, if you go into a recession with good credit and kelly come out stronger. 200 week you sometimes come up weaker. we have this problem, we've got food insecurity. we've got people who are still earning $7.25 an hour. we have 8 million fewer employed people than we had a year ago. biden seems to want to have a
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recovery that doesn't leave all of them behind. >> totally agree. if you look at the american rescue plan for the support goes, it goes to lower income house that's under the most stress. no once i got hit hard by the pandemic. of course, the build back better agenda would we now have a much clearer vision of. that's the american jobs plan, infrastructure plan you're talking about in the american families plan. all the support that goes to families through education, childcare, paid leave. those plans are designed to help support lower income americans. it's paid for by higher taxes on large corporations in high income houses. the idea behind the build back better agenda is to help improve long term economic growth top and take the benefits of that growth when
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americans have been left behind. >> i'll go back to the early days of your and my career where it was more broadly accepted that the idea of trickle down economics, that benefits will trickle down if you give them to top earners and corporations. a recent ipsos reuters poll that was released yesterday said that 51% agree with the statement that trickle down economics have never worked in america. among republicans for intend agree it was field theory. this is something joe biden said to congress on wednesday. what is your evaluation on that? the idea that trickle down economics don't work? >> they don't. we've tried this a few times and each time it's failed miserably. evident in the data. the income and wealth distribution is becoming more skewed. going all the way back to the late seventies, early eighties, it's been a long running development. not something that's happened
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overnight. we tried to trickle down economics a few times during that period. that's not worked. i do think it makes a lot of sense to address this problem head-on, and provide support directly to the groups that need it. that is immediate help to navigate to the pandemic. many lower incomes didn't have any researchers coming into the pandemic. they were left without support that they needed. going forward, making sure they get the help they need to get their kids educated, get themselves educated, get the child care they need to go to work to make the economy work for them. these programs are designed to lift the entire economy and support longer term economic growth. we want to see all these things in a while functioning economy and make sure those benefits go
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to those folks that have been left behind. it took us 35 years to get here with this incoming wealth distribution. it'll take us time to get out. the require very persistent policy effort in the beginning. >> i for 1 am pleased to be in a world which you and i can have economic policy discussions again. the new cycle didn't allow that to happen for a while. good to see you as always. the chief economist for movies analytics. today, president biden visited his favorite swing state pennsylvania to promote his economic proposals. we delivered a speech at an amtrak station in philadelphia. a place very familiar to him from his years of commuting by train. joining us now from pennsylvania, state representative malcolm kenyatta. he is running for the united states senate in pennsylvania. representative, good to see you again. thank you for being with us today. i want to continue the conversation mark and i were
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having. talk about a sort of bottom-up economics joe biden is talking about. the philosophical idea joe biden shares with many democrats that government has a leading role to play at moments like this. that government is a force for good. how do you overcome in a place like pennsylvania? a whole bunch of conservatives who for years believed the opposite? >> first of all, good to be with you. investing and working families is not only good for the economy, it's good politics. these proposals the president has rolled out one after the other are deeply popular with the american people. you talked about philosophy but for a lot of folks here, people in my district or people like me who grew up in the working poor family, it's not hypothetical. it's real. whether or not we expand broadband for world communities,
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that's real for those families. whether or not people can afford childcare. that's real. whether not we do something about the care economy. my mom was a home health care aid. that is real. but he is doing is laying out proposals that really meet the moment where american people are trying to get out of this pandemic, but also try to confront a lot of the systems that made this pandemic as bad as it was. c >> what do you do though in a place like pennsylvania where you are running outside of your district or you are going to run in a state that has some major city some aged -- major urban centers and rural in between workable have been subject to stories and the big lie which has played out quite effectively in rural pennsylvania. how do you get that argument out to people of their? have you tried, i wasn't going? >> my campaign is really about answering a simple question.
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if you've been an organizer as i am, if you stood on picket lines with working folks demanding better as i have many times. there is a song that you will hear on the picket line that says which side are you on? owen and the answer to that has to be the people side. that's why when we look at our campaign, we see so many people are rushing to malcolm kenya .com to chip in $33 at a time. that's our average contribution. no matter if you are in philadelphia, in scranton, you are asking that question, which side is government on? is it on the side of the working people? or continue to be on the side of the corporations that have been able to write the rules to there benefit time and time again? and they really had a good employee impact to me that work for those big corporations and not for the people of pennsylvania. anne >> let me play for you a little snippet of a
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conversation my colleague craig melvin had with president biden yesterday. let's talk on the other side of it. moïse >> i don't have any inordinate faith in government, but certain things only the government can do. is the private sector going to go out and build billions of dollars on the highways? reports? airports? bridges are they going to do that? these are things government can really do. moïse >> that message, can you get that to resonate with people, the idea there are things that government just does better than individuals or corporations? >> absolutely. so i'm not only does is the president right, but a part of what we need to change is having people in government who understand in their bones when it looks like when government fails. but it looks like when government doesn't work. i watched my mom all the time ration her insulin. my dad the same thing, lost both of them before i turned
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27. we move for five different times. whether you are talking about infrastructure, or talking about housing, we are talking about confronting a climate crisis. by thinking big and investing in energy jobs. these are things that government has to take the lead on. and we see right now what happens when government steps up to the plate. you talked about how the economy is roaring, and how so many people are beginning to get their footing again. we still have to deal with some of the systemic challenges and that's with the american families plan and the american jobs plan are all about. i watched the presidents remarks the other day before a joint session of congress. and watched as he talked about cutting childhood poverty and huff. you have a whole section of the room that didn't think that was worthy of applause, and didn't want to support the president in making that happen. so, we do know there are people in government that, for so long, have been committed to making government not work.
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then telling ally government does it work without acknowledging that they are the reason that government doesn't work. we have a president now that's doing big bold things, that we are doing in this campaign. i think that >> pennsylvania is ready. representative kenyatta, i always enjoy our conversations. i think you may have made history tonight. i don't know anybody who's some to me. live on tv. i'm grateful for that. it's added a new layer to arbery's ship. thank you for joining me tonight. >> thank you my friend. >> coming up, republicans can no longer baselessly claim republicans, good, democrats, bad, on the economy, than what's left after four years of incompetent trump administration? the plan for winning is the stop voters from voter -- ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ liberty mutual customizes your car insurance
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unabashedly progressive. arguably the most progressive since fdr. despite having razor thin margins in the house and senate democrats are happily blazing forward with those plans. they can do that because republican attacks on biden as socialist are not working. a new nbc news poll shows that voters believe biden is more moderate than barack obama was at the same stage of his presidency. even though biden's plans are far more ambitious. nbc knows that biden's 1.9 trillion dollar stimulus package was considerably larger than the 787 billion dollar recovery aid enacted by obama and the early days of his administration. i don't top of that biden's four trillion dollars for infrastructure proposal that includes liberal favorites like paid family leave, universal pre-k and free community college. once more all of this is popular with majorities of americans. so are his proposals to pay for this policy is by raising taxes
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on corporations and the rich. it might explain why republicans are choosing a different strategy to gain the upper hand. the associated press reports biden and so simply isn't proving to be an easy target or animating figure for the gop base, prompting republicans to turn to the kind of cultural issues the party has used to cast democrats as elitist in out of touch with average americans. that's why you see republicans and conservative media complaining about cancel culture instead of economic relief. but this gop strategy can do real world harm to real people. take a look at how other targeting trans gender athletes from competing in school sports or how they're trying to stop people from voting. they cannot beat democrats on the issue so they try to keep voters from voting. in fact just last night republicans in florida past the latest voter suppression bill that republican governor ron desantis says he's going to sign. the philpott service trick shuns on the use of drop boxes, new requirements for ided to
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vote by mail, makes voters requiring absentee ballots -- >> jonathan kaye part joins us now on the host of the sunday show with jonathan kaye part on msnbc. and rene graham, opinion columnist and associate editor at the boston globe. good evening to both of you. great to see you. rene, it is kind of interesting because joe biden, as i just discussed with representative kenyatta, is embracing the idea that government as meaningful, government as influential in people's lives. big government can be okay. that flies in four plus decades of opposition from conservatives. you don't see conservatives up their fighting that. the fighting other things. >> right, it's hard to fight against would people actually want. the polls keep proving they want what biden is proposing. so all conservatives can do is raise all these other issues. it has something to do with people's day to day lives.
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and vilifying trans students is not helping america. all you're doing is vilifying this group of vulnerable people. i think it's sort of absurd that republicans are spending all this time on these issues and not on what people actually care about. >> which is interesting because we could have valid discussions, jonathan, about the things people care about. right? everybody wants higher minimum wage. you have to republicans, mitt romney and tom cotton is proposing a ten dollar minimum wage as opposed to 15. ten is not great but better than seven and a quarter. republicans could go to every issue that biden is on and try to put forward a compromise. it was sense of trickling out. who is happy to have five, six, maybe ten republicans who engage in the discussion and fizzles out because mitch mcconnell wants nothing to do with it. >> right, they are not interested in governing. a basically that is what it boils down to. if functioning parties, a functioning republican party, there would be more mitt romney's and tom cotton's
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coming to the table on every issue to say to the american people, yes, you heard president biden in joint session speech. here is our plan for childcare. here is our plan for paid family leave. here is our plan to boost the minimum wage. he says 15, here is our proposal, here's how we're going to pay port. that is when a functioning government, a party interested in government would do. but that is not what is happening. we are trying to do instead because with the president is doing is popular with a broad swath of the american people is that they just decided let's try to keep as many people who can vote for the democrats from voting. remember, joe biden -- he got the most votes for any president ever in american history. republican side and said he's not going to do it again. >> rene, i was intrigued. maybe a little excited to hear
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republican senator tim scott's rebuttal to joe biden's address on wednesday night. he's shown some propensity to try and find some common ground on the george floyd justice in policing act. i was surprised to hear this from tim scott. let's listen and talk on the other side. >> hear me clearly. america is not a racist country. it's backwards to fight discrimination with different types of discrimination and it's wrong to try and use our painful past to dishonestly shut down debates in the president. i'm an african american who's voted in the south my entire time. i take voting rights personally. republican support making it easier to vote and harder to cheat. >> so, i'm going to take tim scott at his word as an african american from the south he takes voting rights seriously,
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personally of no reason to doubt. that that lessens was a little odd. republicans around the country are demonstrating they want to make it easier to vote. >> not at all. the thing is go back about a decade. gop was the he about changing demographics. lindsey graham said we are not generating an of angry white guys to stay in business for the long term. now they have all these bills and walls to make it more difficult. that's why lindsey graham is around out, saying 2022 is going to be a blowout year for republicans. because they don't have policies. we have as voter suppression. that's why they are using to. when the whole idea that some have these laws are going to make things better. it's complete nonsense. >> thanks to both of you for joining me tonight. rene, good to see you. jonathan, we are going to see each other again on sunday morning. thanks for giving me a warm-up on friday night. jonathan it is the host of the
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sunday show, 10 am eastern right here on msnbc. breaking news on the federal investigation into rudy giuliani. new details about the search warrants and why they were not executed under the bill barr justice department is next. partment is next all sorts of home policy perks like the claim-free discount. go three years without a claim and get a discount. (neighbor) just by phoning it in? (burke) just phone it in. (painter 1) yeah, just phone it in and save money for being claim-free. (neighbor) even if i switch to farmers today?! (painter 2) yep, three years claim-free with any home insurance. (painter 3) i'm phoning it in and saving money for literally doing nothing. (burke) get your policy perks by calling 1-800-farmers. go ahead, phone it in. (grandpa) phone it in, why don't ya?! ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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we earn cash back to help grow our business. it's more than cycling, it's finding innovative ways to move forward. >> breaking news on the federal chase for business ® . make more of what's yours ® . investigation into rudy giuliani. the associated press reports tonight justice department officials in the trump administration considered serving giuliani with a search warrant last fall. and internal dispute over the case never resolved leading biden individuals to make the decision. the ap previously reported that, quote, federal prosecutors and manhattan pushed last year for a search warrant for records but officials in the trump era justice department would not sign off on the request. doj patients raise concerns about both the scope of the request which they thought would contain communications that could be covered by legal privilege between giuliani and trump, and the method of
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obtaining the records. tonight, we are learning more about the search warrants that are executed this week on giuliani's home and office. according to the wall street journal, and warren sought communications with an array of ukrainian officials including information related to the poster of maria ivanovich. a former u.s. ambassador to ukraine. quote, federal prosecutors have pursued a theory that hinges on the idea that mr. giuliani's efforts to remove miss yovanovitch were done at the behest of ukrainian officials in exchange for damaging information about the biden. such an exchange even if it involved no financial payment could violate federal lobbying laws, unquote. joining us now is glenn kershner, a former federal prosecutor and an msnbc legal analyst. good evening to you, glen. not only do you know, to make of this, the raid, the seizing of documents and of course rudy giuliani's responses, i guess he could've expected he was
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going to have, them but he's been all over tv and websites responding to it. >> i did watch the tucker carlson interview of rudy giuliani and he just completely rewrote the law on search warrants. for example, he told the viewers the only way prosecutors are going to get a search warrant is if there is evidence that the target is going to destroy or, in his words, run away with the evidence. i don't know why he's misleading the fox viewers, but there's only one thing that has to be approved in order to get a search warrant. you have to show there's probable cause a crime was committed and there's evidence of that crime in the place to be searched. a federal judge concluded there is evidence of crime presently in rudy giuliani's home, and his office, and in his electronic devices. so, rudy giuliani attempted to explain all the way as in his
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words, an illegal search warrant really falls flat. there's another bombastic lawyer and confident donald trump's with a search warrant executed on his work at home, michael cohen. he was on with nicole wallace tonight. little advice for rudy giuliani. let's see what he has to say. >> this is my speech to rudy. to anybody else. they have him. so if he's looking to protect himself so that he doesn't end up spending the rest of his life in prison he may want to actually start to cooperate. it's something i did not do that i probably should have done. hindsight being 2020. >> what do you make of that advice? >> yes, that is the voice of experience talking because let's look at what happened last time federal search warrants were executed on an attorney's home, a presidential attorney, and an attorney's office. that was michael cohen. he ended up going to prison.
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so past this prologue, i think what he should do, rudy giuliani, is hunkered down with his lawyers and start to discuss, ok, who are the bigger fish i can give up. if it were me as the prosecutor i would be debriefing rudy giuliani about what he knows about bill barr about donald trump about don jr.. if anybody knows the value of cooperating with the criminal probe it is a former u.s. attorney like rudy giuliani. >> and there is more to it than the bombast, the things having to do with the election that were most recent in our memory, about rudy giuliani. this has to do with ukraine and the american presence there, the acting ambassador marie yovanovitch. who by the way talked about rudy giuliani targeting her which probably ultimately led to her losing her job and the trump administration. let's hear what she has to say
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about giuliani. >> i do not understand mr. giuliani's motives for attacking me, nor can i offer an opinion on whether he believed the allegations he spread about me. clearly no one at the state department did. but i can say is that mr. giuliani should have known those claims were suspect. coming as they reportedly did from individuals with questionable motives and reason to believe that their political and financial ambitions would be stymied by our anti-corruption policy in ukraine. >> maria yovanovitch with somebody that some powerful people in ukraine would've liked out of the way and ultimately that worked. i don't know how that makes it more or less serious as a crime. but it's more serious as a matter of national security that rudy giuliani may have been up to this kind of activity, either at the behest of the russian -- of the ukrainians were not. >> yes, it's a really
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interesting piece because a president has plenty of authority to remove an ambassador for good reason or no reason at all. so at any moment donald trump could've picked up a phone and recalled ambassador maria yovanovitch. that is not what was going on. but it was going on with rudy giuliani was working behind the scenes to try to dislodge ambassador yovanovitch who by all accounts was a really accomplished corruption fighter in her post as an ambassador. so if the president could have removed her, why did rudy giuliani have to work behind the scenes to almost covertly try to push her out? that tells us, this is why i think you read it is the working theory of the prosecutors that it tells us rudy giuliani was not doing this for donald trump. he could've done it himself. when he was probably doing is
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wet the evidence is beginning to look like. he was acting at the behest of powerful ukrainians who did not like ambassador yovanovitch is anti-corruption work. that is a really bad look for rudy giuliani. >> glenn, always good to see you, you make everything substantially clear for us. glenn kershner is a former federal prosecutor and msnbc legal analyst. thank you for joining us. coming up, just weeks before andrew brown junior was killed by police and with his family called an execution democrats in north carolina were fighting to change the extremely restrictive body cam video laws that exist in the state. we will talk about it next. are waking up to what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ you are my sunshine ♪ ♪ my only sunshine... ♪ rybelsus® works differently than any other diabetes pill to lower blood sugar
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police body cameras matter because, in most cases, there isn't a witness like darnella frazier who heroically held up her phone and recorded derek chauvin murdering george floyd ripon is the on his neck for nine minutes and 29 seconds. andrew brown junior shot and killed by police in north carolina one day after derek chauvin was convicted. in north carolina, footage from police body cameras can only be released to the public with a court order. this, week a judge ruled against releasing the brown footage at this time. two ex before brown was killed by police, lawmakers in north carolina introduced a bill that would require a law enforcement agencies in the state to release anybody camera footage as a public record after 48 hours. joining us now, one of the co-sponsors of that north carolina bill state senator don davis. senator, good to see. thank you for being with us. i'm curious as to the response you are getting against your
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proposal, including from the judge who didn't come up with a particularly compelling reason for not having the video in this particularly case released publicly. >> truly, i'm glad to be with you. first of foremost, my heart goes out to the brown family and the community here in north carolina. i wanted to be loud and clear. that, to me as what this is about. that's why you see this legislation and the need to get the splits from the release. not only to the family, but to the public and law enforcement community. >> you've got this started before this particular killing that made the news. one of the things according to the raleigh observer is if there is some reason not to release that was in the public interest, it would be released within 48 hours unless the
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agency that is responsible for it, whatever policing agency it is receives a court order to seal the video for a set amount of time. you already, faulty like the default to be it gets released in 48 hours unless somebody can prove to court there is some negative effect to doing so. >> absolutely. but we believe in this case, what happens if you after 48 hours allow that reviewed profits to happen and to therefore make it public, it gets it out to the public much faster. what we are saying now, on delays which i believe erodes public trust. >> senator, tell me what you think comes of this. you've got a governor who's in favor of having these videos released. you've got local officials in
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elizabeth city calling on it to be released. do you know why the judge decided in this case not to do so when there's so much public interest in this? >> we are still looking at this whole scenario. i've been in communication with other lawmakers. we are examining this whole process. i believe we need a process that works for the people. we still have protesters out as we speak right now. there is loud cries for this to become public, and i've heard those cries. the committed to taking every step to make that happen for the people of north carolina. >> senator, good to talk. to thank you for joining. us north carolina state senator don davis with the north carolina general assembly. coming, up the biden administration announced a big step this week to keep kids fed in school. economy improving a lot, but there are many people struggling to survive here,
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literally struggling to eat and feed their kids. that's next. at's next. ar insurance so i only pay for what i need. 'cause i do things a little differently. hey, i'll take one, please! wait, this isn't a hot-dog stand? no, can't you see the sign? wet. teddy. bears. get ya' wet teddy bears! one-hundred percent wet, guaranteed! or the next one is on me! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ (ac/dc: back in black) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ back in black ♪ ♪ i hit the sack ♪ ♪ i've been too long... ♪ applebee's irresist-a-bowls are back. dig in for just $8.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood.
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from my perspective in this crisis has been cars lined up for miles and not people just barely start to those cars, nice cars. lined up for miles waiting for a box of food to be put in their trunk. i don't know about, you but i never thought i'd see that in america. and all of this is through no fault of their own. >> as we said at the top of the show, biden's economic recovery is real. so is the pain people in families have been feeling after a year in the pandemic. 42 million people including 14 million children may experience food insecurity in this year which the government describes
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as food of a lower quality. having regular eating patterns disrupted because you can't pay for enough food on a regular basis. it means hunger or living in fear of hunger. the u.s. department of agriculture announced this week it wouldn't extend universal free lunch to more than 30 million low income school children through the end of next school year. on his first full day in office, president biden issued an executive order asking the usda to expand other federal nutritionists programs. joining us now our democratic congresswoman -- head of the house hunger caucus and jeanne mcmurray, the ceo of a food bank in massachusetts. thanks to both of you for joining us. representative mcgovern, you would like to have a conference of hunger convened. we had one in 1960, nine and some remarkable things came out of it including the school lunch program, the food stamp program, school breakfast
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program, snack for women infants and children. and you say it needs to happen now. this crisis is much more serious than people who don't go hungry believed to be. >> thank you for having, me and all you've done to call attention to the issue of hunger in america. i do believe this is the time for another white house conference on food nutrition and hunger. we have a hunger problem in this country, and one of the challenges that we face in solving it it is the jurisdiction to solve it falls under multiple committees, under multiple agencies. a white house conference could pull everyone together, anybody who is relevant and solving this problem, bring together under one room and let's develop a roadmap with benchmarks to actually end hunger. not to manage it, but you ended. i want included in that room those with lived experiences. those who are going through dealing with hunger. this is the moment. we have 45 million americans
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who are hungry. we should be ashamed of that. we are the richest country in the history of the world. we can do better. we begin a series of hearings that will work with all the committees to bring them together to actually build the record that we can give to the white house and we can do those -- of talk to the secretary of agriculture, of talk to the secretary of transportation. they are supportive of the idea. but now is the time to have that conference and lets and hunger! conference and lets and hunger >> this whole idea of hearing from people in a conference like that who have a lived experience of hunger. you've seen people and talk to people every day who had that lived experience. one of the things that has struck you in the last year is what happens when you encounter some one who is new to food insecurity. the remarkable fear that goes through, u.s. paralyzing. and embarrasses you, you don't
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know the resources are that are available to you. and sometimes your food bank is there for their first stop. >> absolutely. thank you for having me on the show. it's a pleasure to be here. and fact, in april of 2020, the first full month of the pandemic, the food bank and our network of food pantries saw a 25% increase in the number of people going to a food pantry for the first time. compared to april 2019. these are people who are, until recently, had worked in on essential service jobs and retail and hospitality industry. people like marie. when i answered the phone, i could detect the panic that was in murray's voice as she explained to me she had three children. she was laid off. she never had trouble with her family. before she didn't know who to turn to our way to go. she was trying to pay her bills, but she was a real scramble
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while she waited for unemployment to be approved. so the first thing we did was murray and i took a deep breath together and i told her she had come to the right place. i gave her assistance on how to apply for a assistance program, the school she could go and take out meals for her children. i looked at the food pantry closest where she lives, and discovered it was closed. i invited marie to come to the food bank because it didn't want her to go that food for one moment or her family to go without food for one moment. the pantry would be up in the next day, but that is just too long for her to wait. when she came to the food bank, and our coworkers brought out boxes of fresh food, frozen food, and a range of non perishable food items, murray met us with a smile and some tears of relief. murray is just one of tens of
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thousands of people who never needed to go to a food pantry before the pandemic. it gave them little choice. she reminded me of my neighbor. that's when i thought, that's who the food bank on our food pantry partners help. we are helping our neighbors whether they live next door, around corner across town. and they are kids who are in school with our kids and grandkids. and citizens who stand next to the market checkout line with us. >> some of congress can my governs colleagues said this a discourages work. i have about 30 seconds left, but what have you seen as a result of expanded aid to people who do not have an income right now? >> but me just say those who are criticizing president biden, and then god we have a president who recognizes we
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have a hunger problem in this country. the bottom line is, if government is not there to help solve this problem, i don't know what good government is. the bottom line is one of the statistics i want to tell you as people say to me all the time, people should go to work. the majority of people who are able bodied who can work who are on staff work. majority of -- they work. they work. they earn so little, still on staff. the bottom line is we need this white house to look at the issue holistically to be built to address the challenges that you outlined. and we can do this. we can and hunger in our country. >> congressman, if you get that white house conference on hunger, i will make sure we covered extensively on msnbc. it's a crucial matter, and it does need to exist. jim mcgovern, thank. eugene, thanks for putting real face on this for us so we understand those who tonight
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are not sure tomorrow's food comes from. jeanne mcmurray is the ceo of the -- you can catch it around my show velshi had 80. and we will learn more about the raid on trump lawyer rudy giuliani's apartment. i will talk to former trump lawyer michael cohen who's lived this moment for himself on sunday i will be joined by the former current white house economic heather bush a. the 11th hour with brian williams begins right now. r with brian williams begins right now. >> good evening once again. day 101 of the biden administration while the president is pushing ahead with his agenda. close allies of the last president are coming under increasing scrutiny. there is new reporting about the fbi raid this week on trump's former personal lawyer rudolph giuliani. the wall street journal which msnbc